After doing a bunch of research, we decided to go with BumGenius 4.0 One-Size. They are a pocket diaper which I wanted because they are easier to dry and I liked that I could adjust the absorption levels. When B was younger, we didn’t need the newborn insert and just used the regular insert. Then when she started peeing more, we just added the extra insert. At night, when we need the most absorption we use hemp inserts from BabyKicks.

To deal with diaper rash whenever we get a little irritation, since you can’t use diaper cream with cloth diapers we use either reusable or disposable diaper liners. These form a barrier between the diaper cream on her bum and the cloth diaper, so the diaper cream doesn’t touch diaper. Here is the diaper cream that is considered cloth diaper safe.

We have a total of 26 diaper: 21 pocket diapers (BG 4.0 One Size) and 4 Bum Genius All-in-Ones (AIOs). I picked up the 22 Bum Genius 4.0s from CottonBabies using a promotion that if you bought a six-pack or spent $100, you got one free. I did this three times getting three free diapers, and received one BG 4.0 from my baby shower. Then I picked up the four BG AIOs from a Seconds Sale. If you sign up for their emails you can be alerted when they have clearance sales. The seconds had very minor cosmetic imperfections (so minor I never knew what they were) but are heavily discounted. I will go into a cost breakdown later. To contain the dirty diapers, we bought a Diaper Dekor Plus and use reusable PlanetWise Diaper Pail Liners. We have two diaper pail liners and throw it in with the diapers whenever we do a load. We use a simple small waste basket for our disposable diaper wipes.

The final piece of big gear we invested in was a Bum Genius Diaper Sprayer. Seriously, this thing is awesome it cleans out the number two diapers so they are not nasty waiting for me to wash them. We also use it for cleaning out B’s baby potty when she does poops in it (post to follow detailing how we do infant potty training.)

Thanks for sharing this! I saw your link over on Hellobee and I am in the process of figuring out what kind of stash to get so I am devouring posts like these!
Nicole, thanks so much for commenting. I did the same thing when I was expecting! I have a tendency to over-research. I figure the more you know going into it the more prepared you are. We really like the Bum Geniuses and they have been really sturdy. We have had no staining and this past six months in Chicago there has been hardly any sun so I haven't even sunned them. Feel free to ask any questions, I know it can seem daunting figuring out which ones to buy and how to set yourself up!
Sorry, please see the below reply for my response! Argh! Hit the wrong button (comment instead of reply!)
Saw your link from HB. Very nice analysis and cost breakdown! I know for us, CD'ing is NOT cheaper by far for us, but I am still enjoying it. Also hoping to reuse them for a 2nd baby and/or resell them after we're done.
xx Viv at JoieDeViv
Thanks Viv, I am glad to hear you are enjoying CDing too! Even with the minimal cost savings the first year, I know we will save money every subsequent year and with the second baby. And yes, you can always recoup some of the cost by re-selling up–good idea! I always feel good putting the cloth diapers on her because I know it is just fabric touching her delicate skin!