If you have been following along on Instagram, you already know this week has been a whirlwind! Thankfully, I have been able to chip away a little at the room everyday during nap time; but, with kids passing sicknesses back and forth and spring break, it has been a challenge! My focus this week was on the windows: painting this panes, the frames, and making the curtains. And with a couple late nights from my husband spent DIYing, and my mother-in-law who generously offered to help me make the curtains (I stink at sewing), we got ‘er done! Heck, I even painted for four hours on Easter while my parents watched the kids! So, it may not look like a lot but it has been busy. And other parts of the room are coming together, like the DIY Headboard I have planned for next week!
Before the curtains:
Boom! After curtains! The lighting wasn’t right so it looks like it is black ribbon when it’s really navy blue.
I switched out the ghost chair for something more substantial. I will eventually recover it; but, it works for now as is. I am not crazy enough to try reupholstering it with my mother-in-law in the next three weeks on top of everything else!
The curtains really make the room feel so much more polished! Now, what’s left on the list:
ORC Master Makeover Plan/ Progress:
1.) Replace Lighting (table lamps and overhead fan)
2.) Add curtains and DIY Roman Shades
3.) New bedding
4.) Add mirror (just arrived yesterday!!!) and photography
5.) Install mantle and artwork
6.) Accent pieces and accessories
7.) Paint walls, paint woodwork, paint doors, paint windows
8.) DIY Headboard
I promise to post more next week! It has just been a little crazy over here! If you want to catch up on all the plans see below!
Week 1: Master Bedroom Makeover Plans
And make sure to check out all the amazing rooms featured on the One Room Challenge at Calling It Home!
Ugh I hear you on the sickness! Our whole house has been passing around a cold and stomach bug since the beginning of this month! I love those curtains, can’t wait to see how it all comes together 🙂