This past weekend, Jack rolled over for the first time! So the vintage table/ changing table had to lose the changing table part. It would be way too easy for him to flip off. Instead, I have been changing him on a blanket on the bed or on the floor. While I still store all his diaper supplies over there, it now houses his toys as well. We put the shallow bookshelves up which store all the books--post to come later this week; but, we still needed some place to store his toys. Bringing out the ... Read More about How to Add Color to a Neutral Nursery
What to Buy for Your Second Baby
What to Buy for your second Baby. With your first born, you get the majority of the baby gear you will ever need. But when you have your second baby, there are some items that you will need that you didn't necessarily use for your first. As Jack is now 3.5 months old I feel like I have a better handle on what we use and what we have found to be helpful. Some items are easy like a double stroller, while others might be more personal like a front-facing carrier or ear plugs. Just kidding ... Read More about What to Buy for Your Second Baby
Infant Potty Training: Our Tips & Experience
As I may have mentioned briefly before, we chose to start potty training B at 3 months. Yes, three months. My family and friends thought we were certifiably insane. But to the amazement of everybody, it worked. Starting at three and a half months (within two weeks of putting her on the potty) B was reliably going on the potty. Our success fluctuated as she went through stages, up until she was one she probably did 80% of her poops in the potty and would pee almost ... Read More about Infant Potty Training: Our Tips & Experience
How to Wean the Pacifier: A Timeline
Thank you all for such wonderful support last week. I swear there is nothing harder than hearing your child cry (even when you know there is nothing physically wrong with them.) I promised a recap on our pacifier weaning process, so here it is, along with some helpful tips I think helped us make the transition. I made notes at what we did at each age (we started really gradually at 12 months, and then really didn't do much until 24 months.) DIY Pom Pom box (just like ... Read More about How to Wean the Pacifier: A Timeline
Honest Diapers Price Cost Breakdown
I mentioned yesterday that Zulily was having a great sale on Honest Co. products. I have used their sales on Zulily multiple times to buy a voucher for diapers. It knocks $30 off of their monthly cost. To get the voucher applied, if you are not a first time customer, you have to call customer service and cancel your bundle, and then ask to apply it to your "new" one. We don't get diapers monthly (more like one bundle every three months) so I just have to be careful to keep on delaying ... Read More about Honest Diapers Price Cost Breakdown